Monday, September 27, 2010

Applied Labels Review & **Giveaway**

Aren't these pretty? I got the chance recently to review some labels from Applied Labels. I just love them. What are they, you ask? They are labels that you can put on bottles, sippy cups, lunch boxes, clothes, shoes, etc., so you don't lose your belongings. They are laundry and dishwasher safe. I've begun to put my labels on books for Callan and his art accessories, such as markers. For Mason, I have put labels on a few of his shoes. And even on both of the kids non-prescription medicine bottles. Super easy to put on, and so far, they sure seem durable and great! I can't wait to use the rest of these, especially this winter for hats and mittens! These labels are very cool, they are tough, and best of all: Made in the USA!


For one lucky reader, you will get a $25 checkout code to shop online and get your own really cool labels! Here's the rules:

Follow my Blog. (1 entry)
Visit Applied Labels website HERE and then come back here and comment on what you like and which labels you would get, and what you would use them for. (1 entry)

Optional, for 1 extra entry each:
Follow/Fan Applied Labels on Facebook HERE
Follow Applied Labels on Twitter HERE

Winner will be announced October 5th. Please provide your email address, as the winner will receive the $25 checkout code in their email.

Good luck!


  1. These are so dang cute. I, of course, already follow your blog. Liked on FB and followed on Twitter. :D

    I really like the puppy icon, cutie font and would use them for creative supplies that I bring to different friends' houses.

    Thanks for showing this!

  2. Hayley,

    I am also already a follower of your site. I enjoy our visits :). I have connected myself to Applied Labels LLC via Facebook and Twitter now as well. Plus, my last blog was to let people know to come on over and visit your site.


  3. I forgot to tell you my favorite. I love the baby bottle labels, but I'm really trying to get rid of the bottles at this point. I think I would get the fabric tags for clothes and lunch boxes if I won. :)

  4. Hayley, Since you have to view these comments before posting, I thought I'd use this resource to let you know that disclosure is spelled with transposed letters in your header. I'm really not a nerdy, quality control was just my job for a while and I'm stuck with it now. :)

  5. @Kimberly, lol, thanks for the heads up. I fixed it. :)

  6. I follow your blog via GFC.

    anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com

  7. I would like the "Applied Labels with Name & Icon". I would use it for my kids school supplies.

    anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com

  8. I like "Applied Labels" on Facebook. (Anja Mu****)

    anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com

  9. I follow "Applied Labels" on Twitter. (anjathisandthat)

    anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com

  10. gfc follower

  11. I like the monster back-to-school pack with a music icon. I would use them for labeling my daughter's stuff and my stuff. We have lots of stuff!

  12. like applied labels on facebook


  13. I follow your blog and have followed it for quite a while! ;)

  14. Also, I would like labels with the name of my Etsy shop and a cute little icon of some sort. I would label all of my products with it!

  15. I'm a follower and these look great!


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I LOVE comments! :)

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