Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do The Duckel Dance *Giveaway*

Do you want to boogie down and get your kids dancing to the Duckle Dance beat and enter them in the Duckle Dance Sweepstakes presented by Capezio and Wisharoo Park? To do so, simply video your preschool kiddos doing the Duckle Dance and then enter those videos via downloads to your Facebook or YouTube accounts for a chance to win one of twenty Capezio and Wisharoo Prize packages or one of five $500 Dance Scholarships!

To kick-off the promotion, Wisharoo Park and Capezio premiered its inaugural Duckle Dance promotional video, featuring favorite Wisharoo Park characters Ranger Rosey and DanDan and Della Duckle dancing along with real life kids, at the newly launched multimedia Wisharoopark.com.

Sit down together with your kiddos and watch the Duckle Dance video here on my blog or at www.WisharooPark.com/duckledance in order to familiarize yourselves with the Duckle Dance. Once familiar with the dance, we invite kids to follow the steps or create and perform their very own version of all or any part of, the Duckle Dance - either to the ballet or tap music provided at the entry site and you can capture their performance on video.

So what is the Duckle Dance anyways? It’s a little bit of ballet, a little bit of tap, and a whole lot of whatever you want it to be but, most importantly, its moving and grooving family fun for all! Check it out yourself by viewing the Duckle Dance promotional video at www.WisharooPark.com/duckledance! Don’t let the smooth moves and solid steps by the video’s dancers intimidate though as they are trained pros!

Be sure to keep in mind that although our promotional Duckle Dance video teaches specific dance steps, the Duckle Dance Sweepstakes presented by Capezio and Wisharoo Park is all about fun and dance submissions are completely open to individual interpretation. In the Duckle Dance no step is wrong, no leap falls short, no tap is off, no plié is blasé and no arabesque is grotesque. The sky is the limit as Capezio and Wisharoo Park applaud and salute the creativity and individuality expressed by each and every entrant with prize winners to be chosen through a random drawing

Once captured on video you can enter your child’s performance in the Duckle Dance Sweepstakes presented by Capezio and Wisharoo Park for a chance to win the special prizes and/or dance scholarships provided by Capezio and Wisharoo Park. To enter, parents simply upload the video to your Facebook or YouTube account, and then visit www.wisharoopark.com/duckledance where they submit the Facebook or YouTube video link as part of the easy entry process.

The Duckle Dance Sweepstakes presented by Capezio and Wisharoo Park is open now through September 1st, 2011 for video submissions. It presents countless opportunities for preschool dancers’ Duckle Dance videos to spiral out over the Internet as the next viral video stars. In keeping with Wisharoo Park’s mission, the promotion is intended to encourage children to 'get moving' and help them build confidence and self-esteem, encourage innovation, and above all have fun!

The Duckle Dance Sweepstakes is a wonderful parent and child shared activity that is guaranteed to enthrall, enrich and entertain for hours on end. Let’s get this Duckle Dance party started!!! Sweepstakes entries are absolutely free, so keep the flame blazing by telling your friends to tell their friends to tell their friends and so on and so on!

Wisharoo Park and Capezio are offering one reader a fantastic Duckle Dance gift package with a retail value of more than $100 that consists of:
• One Pair Capezio Daisy ballet Shoes. Retail Value: $18.00
• One Pair Capezio Jr. Tyette Tap Shoes. Retail Value: $25.00
• One Capezio Logo Drawstring Backpack. Retail Value: $8.50
• One Limited Edition Do the Duckle Commemorative T-Shirt. Retail Value: $12.99
• One Wisharoo Park 2-Disc 13 Episode DVD Set. Retail Value: $19.99
• Six Wisharoo Park Wish Star finger puppets. Retail Vaile: 19.98

Here's how to enter:
Mandatory: Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
- Send a tweet out to all your twitter followers encouraging them to enter the sweepstakes, include the www.wisharoopark.com/duckledance link
- Post information about the Duckle Dance Sweepstakes presented by Capezio and Wisharoo Park on your personal and/or blog Facebok page, tell your friends to enter
- Send out an email to your entire email and/or RSS lists asking all your friends to enter the sweepstakes and include the http://www.wisharoopark.com/duckledance
- Send a message to all of your followers on Google Connect encouraging all your friends to enter the sweepstakes and include the http://www.wisharoopark.com/duckledance
- Visit and like Wisharoo Park's Facebook page and post your video of your child doing the Duckle Dance.
- Post an announcement about the Duckle Dance Sweepstakes presented by Capezio and Wisharoo Park on your blog and point people to http://www.wisharoopark.com/duckledance to enter, and ask your readers to do the same
- Send an announcement about the the Duckle Dance Sweepstakes presented by Capezio and Wisharoo Park to all bloggers as part of your Networked Blogs group
BASICALLY, promote this sweepstakes as much as you can!

My giveaway of the prize pack ends August 25th. US only, sorry. Good luck!

I received products from Wisharoo Park and Capezio in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


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