Friday, September 30, 2011

Secrets Of The Ultimate Husband Hunter *Giveaway* 2 Winners

Secrets Of The Ultimate Husband Hunter by Nancy Nichols

About The Book:
The book that is changing the way women think about men, themselves and the relationship process. Ever wondered how some women attract the interest of almost every man they meet? How some women have wonderful men pursuing them passionately for a serious relationship? Ever asked yourself . . . Why do I attract, date and commit to the wrong man? Why am I unable to attract the interest of a wonderful man? Why do men suddenly stop calling or dating me? Are you discouraged about finding the right man? Insightful! Sensational! Life-Altering! Based on a true story Author Nancy Nichols, with wit, candor and savvy, tackles the negative, judgmental, counter-productive attitudes and behavior that attract the wrong man, versus a woman s open-minded, intriguing, alluring presence which attracts many men. Her novel dating concept is replete with unique introspect, inspiring relationship stories, and the take-charge actions that will show you how to: avoid involvement with the wrong man, gain the sincere interest of desirable eligible men, enjoy dating those men, and ultimately gain you the love and devotion of a quality man. A genuine eye-opener for the dating single woman who asks, What's wrong with me? 

My Thoughts:
Though I don't need dating help, since I am happily married, I still found this book quiet interesting and informative. I love the way the book is laid out. You can browse through it, or read it chapter to chapter. You will laugh, you will nod your head, you will go "ah-ha!" It really gives you insight into the male brain.

About The Author:
Nancy Nichols' life's quest has been to understand the winning attitudes and behavior that attract a quality man. It is her personal experiences of divorce, failed relationships and its heartbreak which inspire her to write self-help dating and relationship books. Based on a true story Secrets of the Ultimate Husband Hunter is the pinnacle of her research and personal growth and her passion to help women maximize their ability to find happiness, success and even true and lasting love. Nancy Nichols is an author, TV and radio talk show personality, relationship consultant and the founder and national keynote speaker for Girls Night Out Seminars: Attraction Principles and Relationship Pitfalls. Her seminars are recognized for inspiring women with confidence, self-esteem and relationship understanding. Learn more about Nancy Nichols at Read her dating and relationship blogs at magazine.

You can buy this book on Amazon.

Two readers will win a copy of this book! Here's how:

1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
4. Promote this giveaway!

Giveaway ends October 8th. US only, sorry. Good luck!

I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. My daughter has a habit of picking all the wrong men, so I would love to win this to give to her! LOL

    GFC follower

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  2. I'm following Nancy Nichols on Twitter: @jwitt33

    jwitt33 at live dot com

  3. I follow on GFC - ginahamm

  4. I "Like" Hanging Off The Wire on Facebook - Gina H

  5. I Follow Nancy Nichols on Twitter - gypsiesthread

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  8. Follow Nancy Nichols on Twitter

  9. I think this is a good gift to my daughter and niece. I hope it will help them to think in a different way about men, themselves and the relationship process.


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