Sunday, January 8, 2012

Flavrz Drink Mix *Giveaway*

"Flavrz was developed by a Mom concerned with her family's health and the health of the planet. An alternative to sugar & chemical-filled beverages, Flavrz is a good way to say “no” to plastic bottles. Flavrz is a concentrated drink mix to add to water. It is organic, made from fruit and sweetened mainly with agave nectar. It is low sugar and has less than half the calories of juice or soda. Buying it as a concentrate saves on packaging and helps keep our planet healthy. You can add Flavrz to a water in a reusable container. Make a commitment to healthy and planet-friendly hydration. Join us in reducing packaging waste at home, at school and at work. Flavrz is revolutionizing the way America drinks. Most beverages are 95% or more water and the rest is sugar, artificial coloring, flavoring, chemicals, and plastic packaging. Flavrz is changing all that. There are 3 great Fruit Flavrz - Cherry Berry, Lemon-Lime and Tropical; 3 great Soda Flavrz - Cola, Ginger Ale and Root Beer and three new Functional Flavrz - Superfruit Sports, Fruit Punch Energy and Citrus Hibiscus Immunity."

Sinmple, easy, on the go - I love them! And Callan enjoys the flavors (Flavrz!) as well!

On reader will win the Lemon Lime & Citrus Hibiscus Flavrz! Here's how:

1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
2. "Like" Flavrz on Facebook.
3. Follow Flavrz on Twitter.
4. Promote this giveaway.

Giveaway ends January 22nd. Open to US only, sorry. Good luck!

I recieved products from Flavrz Beverage Corp. in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. I follow you via GFC and the newsletter. This product sounds delicious!

  2. I'm following Flavrz on Twitter.

  3. gfc follower!
    trista zollars
    tristazmail yahoo com

  4. netowrked blogs follower!
    trista zollars
    tristazmail yahoo com

  5. I like Flavrz Drink Mix on FB!
    Tawnya S
    kopperkirlz at yahoo

  6. Tweet!!/kopperkirlz/status/157213537582858242
    kopperkirlz at yahoo

  7. I follow on Networked Blogs - Breanne T

  8. gfc - emillie.
    hisprinces886 at yahoo dot com

  9. "Like" Flavrz on Facebook - emillie rose.
    hisprinces886 at yahoo dot com

  10. Follow Flavrz on Twitter - hisprincess886
    hisprinces886 at yahoo dot com

  11. fb share -
    hisprinces886 at yahoo dot com

  12. I follow here through GFC (Amber DiTullio), have followed Flavrz on both Facebook (Amber DiTullio) and Twitter (@adpaz). I've also blogged about the giveaway -

  13. gfc sarah_roxy_21

  14. Like Flavrz on FB
    Farrah Shumway

  15. GFC follower and email subscriber.
    I'd love to try Flavrz - sounds like a healthy alternative to sugary drinks. Thanks!


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