Thursday, January 12, 2012

Word Catcher Review & *Giveaway*

Word Catcher by Phil Cousineau

About The Book:
The world's preeminent mythology scholar explores the mystery and meaning of marvelous words. Who knew that the great country of Canada is named for a mistake? How about "bedswerver," the best Elizabethan insult to hurl at a cheating boyfriend? Author Phil Cousineau explores the obscure territory of word origins with great erudition and endearing curiosity. The English poet W. H. Auden was once asked to teach a poetry class for 20 students. Two hundred applied to study with him. When asked how he chose his students, he said he picked the ones who actually loved words. So too, with this book - it takes a special wordcatcher to create a treasure chest of remarkable words and their origins, and any word lover will relish the stories that Cousineau has discovered.

My Thoughts:
This is a fascinating book. Perhaps I find it so great because I am a writer and I love to learn new words, or learn something new about a word. This book has familiar words such as Dinosaur, and then gives you a definition, explanation, and a bit of a history lesson about the word. You will also find words in this book that you may never have heard of, such as Pusillanimous, which means cowardly. How awesome you will sound when you use a word like a that, and your friends will wonder where in the heck you came up with that word, and you can tell them! Very interesting book.

About The Author:
Phil Cousineau is an award-winning writer and filmmaker, teacher and editor, independent scholar and travel leader, storyteller and TV host. His fascination with art, literature, and the history of culture has taken him from Michigan to Marrakesh, Iceland to the Amazon, in a worldwide search for what the ancients called the “soul of the world.”

One reader will win a copy of this book. Here's how:

1. Follow this blog via GFC, the newsletter, or Networked Blogs.
4. Promote this giveaway.

Giveaway ends January 26th. US & Canada only, sorry. Good luck!

I recieved a complimentary review copy of this book from Viva Editions. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. Following on gfc as jhb, and newsletter.
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  3. I LOVE words! This book would a great addition to my "word book" library!

    GFC follower: Julie Witt
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  5. I follow here on GFC and through Networked Blogs, "Liked" Viva Editions on Facebook (Amber DiTullio), followed Hanging Off the Wire on Twitter (@adpaz) and blogged about the giveaway in my weekly list of giveaways here.

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  8. GFC follower & email subscriber.
    This book sounds like my cup of tea. I love learning about words and reading interesting tidbits of how they were born. :-)

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