Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Neuro Drinks

Neuro delivers a system of drinks developed to upgrade your life. Each drink is formulated by leading experts in the areas of nutrition & food science, neurocognitive research, and clinical nutrition, to include a blend of essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proprietary dietary ingredients to enhance specific aspects of our lives: When life is boring, NeuroPassion; When we’re mentally foggy, NeuroSonic; When we’re tossing and turning, NeuroSleep; When the clouds take over, NeuroSun; When our thirst can’t be quenched, NeuroAqua; When we’re stressed, NeuroBliss; When we sweat it all out, NeuroSport; When we slack on our diets, NeuroTrim.

I have tried all the Neuros, and I love each and every one.

NeuroPassion is a delicious, lightly carbonated drink formulated with ingredients to promote "playful" energy. So often our hectic lifestyles deprive us of the energy needed to engage in various activities. NeuroPassion provides ingredients at effective dosage levels supplying energy for all the playful activities you choose. Included in NeuroPassion is the synergistic combination of caffeine and L-theanine. Caffeine and L-theanine are ingredients found in green tea; in conjunction they provide energy without the edginess commonly associated with caffeine alone. Other NeuroPassion nutrients include Alpha GPC, Phosphatidylserine and a full range of B-vitamins. NeuroPassion provides energy for whatever activity you have in mind. 

NeuroSleep is a delicious drink formulated with ingredients to help promote restful sleep. Each ingredient contained in NeuroSleep plays a unique role in the sleep cycle. Melatonin, which is found naturally in tart cherries but also produced in the body, serves as the primary ingredient to promote restful sleep. Additionally, NeuroSleep provides 5-HTP, an ingredient structurally similar to the amino acid tryptophan, which provides structural support to neurotransmitters important for cognitive health. Magnesium is included at 300 mg per bottle (75% of the daily value), and serves as a key electrolyte that may help prevent cramping during rest. NeuroSleep is the optimal bedtime drink, providing quality rest which helps you function at your best. 

NeuroSun is a delicious drink designed to provide all the benefits of Vitamin D without the harmful UV rays of the sun. Vitamin D is so strongly associated with the sun that it’s commonly known as the “sunshine vitamin.” Besides its important role in bone health, other emerging research suggests Vitamin D plays an important role in supporting the immune system and promoting cognitive health. Maintaining proper vitamin D levels can be achieved by changes to the diet or exposure to the sun, but supplementation is a very effective and convenient way to obtain sufficient amounts of vitamin D. NeuroSun provides 1000 IU of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in every 35 calorie serving per bottle. 

NeuroSonic is a delicious drink designed to increase high level mental functioning: better memory, alertness and concentration. NeuroSonic was formulated to help meet the demands of today’s high stress living, where it’s vital for the brain to function at top form. The unique combination of plant extracts, amino acids and unique dietary ingredients provide fuel for the brain to remain focused and alert over long periods of time. The ingredient Alpha GPC provides raw materials to the brain to help it function better, faster. Vitamins Inositol, B-6, B-12 and other B-vitamins help support the nervous system. Rounding out the formula is the ingredient resveratrol, an antioxidant found in red wine, which protects the brain and may have anti-aging benefits. Together, these ingredients provide the foundation for enhanced brain function. 

NeuroAqua is refreshing spring water sourced from the Californian Adobe Springs – thought by many to be the world’s purest source of water. What makes this water different than others on the market is its naturally high levels of magnesium and calcium. Magnesium serves as a critical electrolyte in the human body, helping to maintain bone health, hydration and nerve function. Recently, the World Health Organization recommended fortifying drinking water with magnesium due to its importance in human health. These naturally occurring minerals give NeuroAqua a high alkaline level and a higher pH level. This counters the acidity that food leaves in our bodies, and balances it out. NeuroAqua is refreshingly crisp and smooth, providing instant hydration and refreshment throughout the day. 

NeuroBliss is a delicious drink designed to promote happiness and eliminate stress without affecting your energy levels. The combination of blissful ingredients in this product is distinctly unique from any other product on the market. L-Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea which has been clinically proven to help reduce stress, works by altering brain waves, shifting them from the beta spectrum to the alpha spectrum — where a person is focused and alert, but calm. NeuroBliss is perfect for anyone wishing to reduce anxiety caused by every day stressors. NeuroBliss can be consumed multiple times per day and works immediately. 

NeuroSport is a delicious drink designed to replenish the body during and after exercise with the unparalleled combination of 12 minerals and 5 electrolytes. The five key electrolytes of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and chloride are in each bottle. Most sports drinks contain only 2 — sodium and potassium — not enough to keep the body properly hydrated. It’s scientifically proven that magnesium, calcium, and chloride significantly contribute to effective rehydration during exercise. NeuroSport also has good-for-you minerals such as chromium, copper, manganese, molybdenum and selenium, which are depleted during rigorous workouts. Quickly restoring these minerals helps improve endurance and increase fitness levels, making NeuroSport the sports drink of the next generation. 

NeuroTrim is a refreshing, non-carbonated drink formulated to help promote healthy weight loss. NeuroTrim contains a special form of fiber known as Amorphophallus konjac ("LuraLean"). Compared to other fibers, LuraLean is considerably more hygroscopic (water-absorbing) and dense, both factors contributing to its effectiveness. When consumed, LuraLean expands in the stomach to many times its original size, helping to control appetite and reduce between meal food cravings. Based on the expansion properties of LuraLean, one gram (included in each serving of NeuroTrim) is equivalent to 18-20 grams of regular fiber. In conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program, NeuroTrim should be consumed 30 minutes prior to each major meal. 

So they are all great for you, in different ways! They are all delicious, and instead of grabbing a soda at the store, I am now reaching for a Neuro!

I recieved products from Rogers & Cowan and Neuro in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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